Two wonderful artists game and award! Meredith and Mika
Thank you so much! (I am in the Oscar spirit so) I want to thank the visitors and the bloggers who give me comments, I read them and they make me very happy. I also want to thank my family that encourage me to paint and sometimes let me sit down here and post something.
Thank you so much! (I am in the Oscar spirit so) I want to thank the visitors and the bloggers who give me comments, I read them and they make me very happy. I also want to thank my family that encourage me to paint and sometimes let me sit down here and post something.
And to every artist hidden behind a stay at home mom label, you can do it! (music starting to play) thank you thank you!
The rules of passing on this award are as follows:- post award in your own blog: [Post who gave it to you]- indicate its origin and a link to the site. " and let them know with a comment on their blogs. And the winners are....
My blogger friend April Harres is having her first giveaway, please visit her BLOG to sign in and have a chance to win a beautiful original painting!
Wow! Thank you so much! for this award I am really surprised! being a stay at home mommy this really brings encouragement as an artist I will always remember this.
Thank you again! Jen
Hi Adri: Thank You so much!, you are very sweet. Im sorry I havent reply sooner to your comments. Thank You so much again, and I really appreciated them.
hi adRi!
Thanks for the great award! I really appreciate it - you are so kind.
iN jOy
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