What gorgeous beauties! You must be so proud! Think of how they will grow up and be there for each other, when they have their own babies! :) I like knowing that Lillian and Madeline will have each other...that strong sisterly bond. :)
Congrats on your miracles and Happy Valentine's Day back!
Hi! Adri Thank you for your comments you are blessed your daughter's are beautiful great photo by the way.
I also have three daughter's when I think of them I have this title in my head "Daughter's Three" like some story going on in my head. I remember when they were little we would bake and have tea parties and my son would join in on the fun they grow up so fast.
What gorgeous beauties! You must be so proud! Think of how they will grow up and be there for each other, when they have their own babies! :) I like knowing that Lillian and Madeline will have each other...that strong sisterly bond. :)
Congrats on your miracles and Happy Valentine's Day back!
Wow your little ones are adorable, I also love the picture. I wish you a very nice Valentine's Day. Lillian
Beautiful. I have 2 little angels, myself. 2 blonde, blue eyed sweeties who look nothing like thier dark haired, dark eyed mama!
They are beautiful, just like their mother. :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
iN jOy,
Hi..! are yours?.. They are so cute and beautiful.. !! like mom hehe.., i hope you had a very beautiful valentines day..
They are beautiful, just like momma
They are so beautiful! =)
I also love how you captured them in the picture... it really brings a smile to my face on this gray and cold day.
I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day!
Hi! Adri Thank you for your comments you are blessed your daughter's are beautiful great photo by the way.
I also have three daughter's when I think of them I have this title in my head "Daughter's Three" like some story going on in my head. I remember when they were little we would bake and have tea parties and my son would join in on the fun they grow up so fast.
Thank you again
Hi,Adri! I gave you the art blogger award. You can find the details and lift the award image off my blog. Have a wonderful day!
Sweet girls...
and nice pictures!
Hello Adri's:Just wanted to let you know that you have been tagged. Go check it out on my site. Have a great week. :) Lillian
Hi Adri, Beautiful little girls.
Cheers, Leticia
Oldest of three sisters
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